
José Ortega-Mohedano

Researcher. AIR Institute

PhD in “Marketing & Quality Management applied to Education”, Universidad de Salamanca (USAL), 2015. Studied in Spain and abroad, with stays in Germany and the U.K. for 4 years. I hold a Master’s Degree in Economics (1998), two certificates of PhD Studies in “Educational Processes in Virtual Spaces” (2005-07) and in “Business Studies” (2010-12; teaching credits) both at the Usal, Spain; and a University-specific “Master in e-Learning” Degree (2003) at the Universidad Ramon Llull (Barcelona, Spain). Granted with the fellowship “Torres Quevedo”, Ministry of Education of Spain (2008-10).  I have been (among other): e-Learning Consultant & Director of the “Virtual University project” EUDORED (Usal, 2001-05); CMO at Tulecom Group S.L. (2008-10), a ‘start-up’; Coordinator of the “e-Learning Observatory SCOPEO” (2010-12); External Academic Evaluator of ‘HigherEd’ Programs (DEVA, Andalucía, Spain) (2015-17); and professor at Univ. Internacional de la Rioja, Dept. de Tecnología (UNIR, Spain) (2018-19).  Currently, Researcher at AIR Institute (2021 on), Assistant Professor at USAL, Fac. de Economía y Empresa (USAL, Spain) (2019 on) , University Lecturer at Cursos Internacionales (Usal, Spain) (2009 on), and Guest Lecturer at Deggendorf Institute of Technology (Germany) (2017 on).